Friday, September 08, 2006

In the beginning...

...there was someone who typed like a rabid monkey on drugs. And she liked to make stuff. What sort of stuff? Well, first it was sewing costumes and clothes... then making shiny beady stuff... then embroidering on stuff... then buying yard upon yard of quilting fabric and coming up with neat ideas for quilting stuff... then crocheting stuff... then getting into soft squishy fuzzy yarn and knitting stuff.

Now, there are several closets and many boxes and shelves full of stuff like yarn and fabric and beads, all of which can be used to make other stuff. Shiny stuff, and fuzzy stuff. Soft and cuddly stuff. Fun stuff.

In fact, if I spend the rest of my life making stuff, I probably won't run out.

That's where my friends come in. See, I think I should give some of my stuff to OTHER people who make stuff... so that they, too, can have the joy of making cool stuff.

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